DAAS at Redlands Community College, 1991

The year is 1991.

paul keating photo
“I do not want to hear any mealymouthed talk from the Member for Benelong.”

Paul Keating’s second leadership challenge against Bob Hawke succeeds, and he becomes Prime Minister of Australia. The Soviet Union collapses, bringing the wavering remnants of the Cold War to a final end just as the Gulf War reaches its peak, laying the foundations for a legacy of pain and destruction that persists to this day. In Sydney, drawing on the skills of members of the faltering pop group The Cockroaches, a new band called The Wiggles releases their first album, laying the foundations for a legacy of pain and destruction that persists to this day. At some point among these events, The Doug Anthony All Stars perform at Redlands Community College in Queensland.

Well … the All Stars performance might actually have happened in 1992, nobody’s quite sure, but 1991 sure was a better year to write about. Whatever. You can watch the entire DAAS gig right now! How Grouse is that?

This is for those lucky ones of us who have seen the current tour. Fuck yeah.

Photo by xiaming